General information

I am Professor of Emerging Technologies at the Institute of Data Science, Maastricht University, and a Senior Scientist in the Connected Business team, part of the Data Science group of TNO, The Netherlands.

My current research interests concern knowledge management, in other words the role of structured knowledge (such as Linked Data and Open Data) and unstructured knowledge (such as text and social media) in decision processes. I focus particularly on the application of Semantic Web technologies in the agrifood domain, including supply chains and logistics. I am interested in how technology can enable a better food system.. Recently I have become involved in blockchain technology and its application to the agrifood sector, cf. our recent whitepaper.

My other research concerns the application of ICT to sustainability issues, especially using Semantic Web technologies including Linked Data to communicate more knowledge concerning products and their environmental impact. Finally, I study the social implications of technology and particularly ICT with regard to surveillance, freedom, creativity and innovation. For more details consult my Research page and my Publications.